One of the most comforting thoughts an entrepreneur can have is that they’re not doing it alone. That’s accurate — you are part of an ongoing history, one that spans decades, if not centuries. You’re not the only one trying to turn their idea into financial stability and wealth. You are not alone.
Unfortunately, it’s easy to lose sight of that fact. The daily grind can blind you to the many things you can achieve. Sometimes, all you need is someone to remind you that yes, you can make it. You can succeed.
Andy Frisella (@AndyFrisella)
Sugarcoating is the trend. While ideally you shouldn’t hurt people or their feelings, sometimes it’s unavoidable. Every day, people avoid handing out harsh truths in favor of saving face or protecting someone. While there are timeswhen that’s the right call, it’s often never the case for entrepreneurs. The moment you ignore reality and try to replace it with your own is the moment your startup starts to fail.
Following Andy Frisella on Instagram can help keep you grounded. He’s not afraid to tell people to put up or shut up. Andy is the CEO of 1st
Crime By Design (@Crimebydesign)
One of the most inviting things about entrepreneurship is the opportunity and power to set trends. If you sell the right product, you can affect the world’s flow. For some people, it’s a matter of making lives better. For others, it’s about expressing themselves and making money while doing so. In either event, Crime By Design has the kind of posts that’ll resonate with them.
The company focuses a lot on lifestyle and how you can affect it. People selling clothes may also find it inspiring. If you’re trying to be a trendsetter, there are few Instagram accounts worth following as much as @Crimbydesign, as it emphasizes individuality and self-definition.
Prsuit (@Prsuit)
Sometimes, you’re not looking for an idol. Sometimes, all you want to do is shake off a bad feeling. It could’ve come from a bad day or a setback. Wherever it came from, you need to get back in the game, because a new day’s around the corner and the startup needs you inspired and at your best.
For these times, there’s
Hustle & Deal Flow (@hdfmagazine)
Hustle & Deal Flow is an online publication that has an Instagram account that can inspire even the most dejected entrepreneurs. It’s similar to
The name is indicative of its content — it’s all about the hustle and struggle. They offer peeks into the lives of the up and coming, not just people who’ve already
Bethenny Frankel (@BethennyFrankel)
Men are fortunate enough to have plenty of entrepreneurial role models While women aren’t without their idols, t
The account itself revolves around her ongoing attempt to attain a work-life balance, a struggle many entrepreneurs are sure to relate to. In it you can find motivational quotes, branding advice, as well as a traditionally underrepresented female perspective.
Inspiration can come from anywhere. Your own journey as an entrepreneur could’ve come from the most innocuous of places. Instagram accounts aren’t just for sharing pictures —they’re for lighting flames of passion around the world, inspiring people to take a shot and go for their dreams. What Instagram accounts do you get inspired by?